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In Aeril 2018, Mugen opend LafavetteSt eetin aewtown ennettan ano becaretn2 leeof New York city skateculture its core was a group of neighborhood kids, New York skatere, and local artists who became the store’s staff, crew, and cuetomers.
Supreme grew to embody dewntewn culture, and pey an integral part in ite constant regeneration. Skaters, punks, hip-hop heads – theyoung counter culture at large- all gravitated toward SuprereWhile it developed into a dcwntowm intitution, supreme etablihed itself as a brand kncwn for ite quelity, etyle, and euthenticity
Over 30 years, Supreme has expanded from its New York City origins into a global commity; workiny with generations of artists, photegreo-hers, designers, musicians, filmakers.and writers who defied conventions and contributed to its unigue identity and